Mujeres Medicina - the soul healers is a personal artistic documentation of women from all walks of life that help others heal their souls through ceremonies, music, women's circles, bodywork etc. With this project I want to rise consciousness about the importance of the mental health, community, vulnerability & sharing. We used to live in communities of at least thirty members, in tribes. Nowadays the biggest disease of our times are loneliness and depression.
We are living in a culture of instant gratification, and the moment we are not feeling happy, the fastest solution people reach out for are numerous numbing techniques from substances to compulsive behaviours.
"Mujer Medicina" - Medicine Woman is one of the oldest feminine archetypes and the most forgotten one these days. She's deeply connected to her intuition and inner wisdom. In the pre-patriarchal times Mujer Medicina used to occupy a very respected role in the society. In different cultures she used to serve her community as a shaman, herbalist, midwife, visionary to count a few. People trusted her wisdom and respected her healing. She existed in harmony with the nature, according to her inner- cycles and rhythms.
With this spiritual, consciousness related art project I would love to inspire people to research about different healing methods and circles of healing people around them.
No matter where you are. You're not alone.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in - "I am another you, and you are another me".